6 Mobile App Development Key Trends in 2025

Are you ready for the digital transformation of your business in 2025? Or are you about to launch an App-based Startup? Well, whatever is the case. You will need reliable mobile app development services to turn your app idea into digital reality! But before approaching a team of developers, update your app idea with the key mobile app development trends in 2025

Do not forget to incorporate these features to your mobile app to take user experiences to ultimate heights. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the only future! The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most precious outcomes of AI. Making different electronic and machinery devices connected with each other is called the science of IoT development. Say for example,

  • Switching an AC on with your smartphone
  • Cars connect with GPS satellites, weather services and traffic data providers to plan routes and decide navigation. 
  • Locking/unlocking your doors and windows with your smartphone
  • Smart medical devices take patient details and notify doctors of emergency conditions

And many more. Therefore, whatever kind of mobile app you are planning to launch for your business. Ensure room for IoT services. For instance: 

1.1 IoT Connectivity Table: 

If Your App is for:

You Must Provide Inter-Connectivity of: 

  • Fit bands of the Patients
  • Smart Pills 
  • Medical Equipment
  • Doctor’s Smartphones
Real Estate/Smart Homes
  • Lightings
  • Smart Fridge
  • Airconditioner
  • Doorbells and Door Locks
  • Smart Storage Shelves
  • Warehouses
  • Packaging Units
  • Customer, Warehouse, and Delivery Apps
HR Management
  • Employee Laptops for Tracking
  • Mobile Devices to Track Employee Location
  • ID Cards for Tracking
  • Attendance and Biometric Systems
Inventory Management
  • Warehouses
  • Smartphones of Order Managers
  • Delivery Partner Smartphones
  • Vehicles Used in Inventory Movement
  • Inventory (through Radio Frequency Identification Tags)
Ride Hailing
  • Riders’ Smartphone
  • Driver’s Smartphone
  • Vehicle Used 
  • Parking Sensors
  • GPS Satellite Connectivity
Travel & Tourism
  • Transportation Vehicle
  • Wearable of the Traveler
  • Traveller’s Smartphones
  • Service Provider’s Smartphones
  • Smartboards
  • Teacher’s PC
  • Students’ PC
  • Wearables of Students (for attention/stress monitoring)
  • Mobile App Sync with Wearable Devices

Already, syncing fitness apps, messenger apps, and calling apps with wearable devices (fitness bands and smartphones) is a growing trend. This trend is about to grow further in 2025. Managing everything through a smartwatch will elevate user experience. Connecting E-commerce apps, taxi booking software, food ordering applications etc. will also be in demand. 

Ezulix is forecasting it based on a study of user behaviour held by its digital marketing team. In a survey held by the digital marketers of the company, researchers found that smartwatch users find it really helpful to manage tasks from their smartwatch. 

Holding smartphones in hand all the time is a hated practice by 79% of the respondents. As a result, if companies begin to provide everything through the smartwatch, certainly users will prefer that way of using a mobile app. So, make your apps smartwatch friendly. 

  • Image, Video & Voice-Recognition for Better User Experience

Recently, Google launched an update to search objects with videos. Now through Google Lens, users can record a video and ask questions about what they see. Google will use Artificial Intelligence to identify the objects in the video and provide the most relevant information about them. 

This way, Google has raised the expectation bar of smartphone users. Eventually, if you are planning to launch a mobile app soon that has a ‘search bar’ as its feature. Then, you will need to present multiple search method options to the users. 

This increases app accessibility and enhances user experiences. Features like image, video, voice, and biometric recognition take Artificial Intelligence as a core technology. Machine Learning is the technology that trains smart devices to gain Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, make sure to integrate these features and technologies to your mobile application. 

  • Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Integration 

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are already a popular trend in mobile application development. However, except gaming and e-commerce industry, probably no other industry has so far set an example in integrating AR or VR into mobile apps.

Understanding Augmented Reality 

A handful of examples of AR integration include the ‘virtual try-on’ feature used in the E-Commerce industry. Say, for example, trying a lipstick shade on your lips through your smartphone camera lens. Or, projecting a piece of furniture in your bedroom through the smartphone camera. 

To ‘augment’ means to ‘enhance’, so Augmented Reality is ‘enhanced reality’. When your real-life experience enhances through technology, it becomes Augmented reality as in the examples discussed above. 

Understanding Virtual Reality

Coming to Virtual Reality, when a user is taken to a virtual world away from real life, it is known as Virtual Reality. The most notable example is wearing VR headsets and sitting on VR chairs in a gaming zone where you are taken on a roller coaster. You ‘feel’ the same way as you do on a roller coaster, however, that’s only virtual. Through VR, a user derive an ‘immersive experiences’ in which he/she is taken to another world but digitally (body stays here, but mind goes).

AR and VR can have far better uses in the healthcare, education, real estate, cybersecurity, banking and finance industries. Therefore, aspiring app owners must consider how they can integrate AR and VR into their mobile apps. It will elevate not only the user experience but also the user curiosity inviting an unlimited number of downloads.

  • Adaptability to Foldable & Flippable Devices

In 2024, with the advent of foldable and flippable devices from Samsung Technologies, the definition of user experience has evolved further. Now the parameters of responsive designs have changed to a great extent. 

As a result of growing popularity of foldable and flippable device screens, mobile app must also be compatible to smaller screen sizes. Therefore, an aspiring app-owner needs to hire verified mobile app developers for highly responsive mobile apps. 

Remember, that if you don’t adapt to the latest device trends, you are directly cutting a significant section off from your app reach. So, responsive mobile app development is your responsibility. 

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA Development) for Progress 

Device storage is becoming a problem with a constantly increasing user base. As the user base is growing, so is growing database on smart devices. Resultantly, device storage is getting adversely affected. 

On the other hand, mobile apps are indulged in elevating the user experience with fascinating features, smooth functioning, and captivating UI/UX design. But, these features increase the application size. A large-size mobile app may face performance difficulty due to incompatibility with user device. The user device may have an average Read Access Memory and a mediocre Central Processing Unit (CPU). Eventually, the app may show performance glitches. 

To combat this issue, Progressive Web App Development (PWA development) is an emerging trend. Suppose bookmarking a web application such that the bookmark adds to your home screen like a mobile app but does not require app-like storage space. Well this technology exists and is called Progressive Web App Development. PWAs will grow popular even further in the upcoming years for the sake of storage and performance efficiency. 

Final Thoughts

Mobile app development industry is going through dramatic changes that will become a trend in 2025 and subsequent years. As a result, while planning to launch a new product in the mobile app market, the app owner must consider these trends. The app owner must develop the app idea accordingly and share all his concerns with the chosen app development company. However, an experienced and well-informed mobile app development company will already have an idea on how to develop a mobile app with the latest technology trends.  So, prepare your app idea consciously and hire the best team of mobile app developers for an updated app. 

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